As early as the late 90s, the first series components with printed electronics rolled off the production line at BÖ-LA. In 2011, BÖ-LA went one step further and successfully combined printed electronics with Film-Insert-Molding (FIM) for the first time - the birth of Film-Insert-Molded-Electronics (FIM-E), so to speak.

By linking printed electronics and FIM technology, separate buttons and switches become superfluous. Instead, these are simply integrated into the closed surface in the form of a printed sensor system. The special feature of the demonstrator shown is that the decoration and the screen-printed conductor paths are combined on only one film. By means of Film- Insert-Molding, the conductor paths are embedded between the film and the injection molding compound and are thus protected from external influences. Another highlight is that the areas with functions can be backlit because our conductive tracks are transparent.

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BÖ-LA Siebdrucktechnik GmbH

Dahlienstrasse 33
42477 Radevormwald
Jobs + Career